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Kirk Architecture - London Thatch
London Thatch

London Thatch

A New English High Rise Vernacular, Kipling Estate, Weston Street, Bermondsey

See the project featured on Dezeen and in the Architects Journal:

The most memorable project came from William Firebrace’s studio; James Kirk’s utterly beguiling thatched London tower – a quirky and unique take on sustainable urban regeneration.

In this project I hope to make the case for alteration, extension and remodeling as opposed to demolition as an approach to reworking London’s decaying tower blocks. The approach that is proposed is specific to the site and context, though the attitude is proposed open enough to be used throughout London and elsewhere.

The proposals seek to achieve a maintained architecture which promotes a skilled method of construction and restores a skilled trade to south London.

Please watch the animation on vimeo to watch in HD

Music by Celer & Nicholas Szczepanik, from the album Here, For Now

Click the image above for a high resolution version