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Kirk Architecture - Awards

Awards and Nominations

Winner of a Civic Trust Award for White Lion House, MICA Architects(2018)

Winner of Olympic City Dressing Competition. Part of a series called Wonder - Incredible Installations resulting in the London Dresser project, undertaken during the final year of my Master's course. (2012)

Winner of Lifelines. Active Ageing and Intergenerational Dialogue through the Eyes of Architectural Students. European Commission, presented by Angela Brady PRIBA (2012)

Second Prize RIBA Shoaib Rawat Prize for the best portfolio for Graduate Diploma in Architecture at the University of Westminster. (2012)

Winner of RIBA CLAWSA prize for first year postgraduate Best Project at the University of Westminster. (2011)

Winner of a Detail Magazine Student Award. (2011)

Winner of the Adaptable Futures diploma prize competition for best film (2011)