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gkdetectclienttype 105: 1
Kirk Architecture - to print a page
to print a page

Near the foot of the left-hand column, you will see a button marked 'print this page'. Press this and a new tab or window will open in your browser, with a print panel. Using this, you can print the content of the centre panel of the then current web page.

If you have difficulty printing, you can use the 'main content' button in the left-hand column (if you have it set to be shown - use the accessibility link in the footer). This presents you with the content of the centre panel in a format better suited to people who wish to use a screen reader. Simply print the resulting page using the normal file > print menu on your browser.

Known problem: With some operating systems, with some browsers, with some printers, some pages are not printed properly (end of page is not recognised). A way round this is to 'print to pdf' using a pdf driver, and then print the pdf to paper. Not elegant, but effective.

If you need a pdf printer, try